george n. 乔治〔姓氏,男子名;爱称 Geordie, Georgie, Dod, Doddy〕。 St. George英国的守护神。 St. GGeorge's day 圣乔治日〔四月二十三日〕。 By George 确实,实在〔发誓或感叹〕。 George Cross [Medal] 乔治十字勋章〔英国王乔治六世1940年颁发的表彰英勇行为的勋章〕。 Let George do it. 〔美俚〕让别人去干吧! n. 1.(英国嘉德勋章的两种图案之一)骑马降龙宝像。 2.(英国有圣乔治像的)半克朗货币。 3.〔g-〕 褐色陶制大水壶。 4.〔g-〕 〔英俚〕(飞机的)自动驾驶仪。 a brown George褐色陶制容器。
My george can get them fed on schedule and give them their shots , but 我的george会按时喂他们,给他们打针,但是
My george can get them fed on schedule and give them their shots , but . . 我的george会按时喂他们,给他们打针,但是. .
George can ' t have missed the way . i explained the route carefully and drew him a map 乔治不可能迷路,我仔细地给他讲明了路线,还给他画了一张地图。
George can indeed shed a furtive tear that we will not see kitty ' s likes again 乔治的确可以掉一滴伤心之泪,因为我们再也不可能见到基蒂这样的好人了。
It is difficult to believe that george can sleep the sleep of the just seeing that his life is spent in ruining people financially 乔治一生干尽了叫人倾家荡产的坏事,很难相信他竟能心安理得地睡大觉。
It is difficult to believe that george can sleep the sleep of the just seeing that his life is spent in ruining people financially 乔治一生干尽了叫人倾家荡产的坏事,很难相信他竟能心安理得地睡大觉。
It is said that john hancock signed his name “ with a great flourish ” so “ king george can read that without spectacles 据说约翰?汉考克签名时笔迹“挥洒遒劲”是为了“让乔治国王不戴眼镜就能看清楚” 。